Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter the School Code (school code will be given from your institution), Username and Password (username and password are the same as that of School Digital).
If you have not yet created an account in School Digital, you need to create an account in the School Digital. If you don’t remember the password of School Digital, then you need to click on ‘I forgot my password’ given in the login screen.
Step 3: Select the next academic year and click on ‘PROCEED’ to go to the next screen.
You will be taken to the Instruction Page where all necessary instructions will be given. Read the instructions. Tick the check box and click on PROCEED to go next screen where all items assigned to your ward will be displayed.
Step 4: You may click on the item which you want to order. Once you click on any of the item to order, for each item, you will be taken to the next screen where you can edit the quantity of the item you last ordered.
Once you edit the quantity of the item, you must click on ‘Update’ to update the quantity of the item. Once you click on ‘Update’, corresponding changes will take place in Price, CGST, SGT and Total.
If you want to cancel the item, you can click on the ‘x’ mark under the head ‘ACTION’.
If you want to continue with selecting the item, you may click on ‘Continue Shopping’.
Once all items are ordered, click on ‘Checkout’. You will be taken to the following screen.
Step 5: Select ‘Will be informed’ in Delivery Venue and ‘By Parents’ in Delivery Mode. Click on ‘Place Order’ to confirm the order.
Step 6: At this stage, you can download the Challan or cancel the order.
Once the online facility is integrated, you will be able to pay the amount online too.
Challan can be paid at any of the South Indian Bank branches. Parents need to keep the parent copy of the paid challan with bank seal till you collect the ordered item.
Parents need not present the paid challan at the school office. It will be automatically updated in StoreM.
Step 7: Once you click on ‘Home’ given in the top menu row, you will be taken to your account where you can see your pending and completed account.
Pending Orders will give those orders which are not paid.
Clicking on the symbol, ‘+’, you will can view the orders and if you want cancel the order you can cancel here too.
Clicking on the ‘Completed Orders’, you will be taken to the following screen.
Once your payment is complete, ‘Status’ will change. Once you have paid, you can download your tax bill by clicking on the link which will appear below ‘ACTIONS’.
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